  • 2641 South 3270 West
    Salt Lake City, UT 84119
  • Phone
    (801) 972-1898
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Josh Ikola

Direct Line: 801-304-3444

Office Line: 801-972-1898 ext. 13

I am the Organizer with Local 222. I have been here since 2021. I come from Yellow Freight and Geneva Rock. I came to the hall because the Teamsters Union has had such a positive impact on not only my career, but also in my personal life. I chose to be an organizer because I’m truly passionate about what the Teamsters have to offer to the working class. I’m here to do my part in helping to build and strengthen the union and increase union density throughout this great nation. I wholeheartedly feel that all workers should have Teamster representation in their workplace and have the tools and resources available to them to receive the Pay, Benefits and Working conditions that they deserve. My hobbies include fishing, snowboarding, and pretty much anything outdoors.