  • 2641 South 3270 West
    Salt Lake City, UT 84119
  • Phone
    (801) 972-1898
  • Contact Us
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Hiring Hall

The Construction/Movies Division of Teamsters Local 222 is employed via a hiring hall. Contractors are signatory to a Labor Agreement, which requires that hiring is done through the Hiring Hall.

If you are new to the Hiring Hall: Please read the requirements below. You must fill out a Registration Form. After the form has been filled out please contact Amanda or Carly at 801-972-1898 ext. 20 or 21 to pay the Hiring Hall Fees.

**If you have questions that are left unanswered, please contact Business Agent, Bob Mendez.

Business Agent

Bob Mendez

Direct Line: 801-304-3452

Office Line: 801-972-1898 ext. 16


Motion Picture Referral System and Procedures